Swimming FAQs, Swimming Tricks

Can I Swim With Invisalign or Braces – Is It Advisable?

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The modern orthodontics industry has undergone a revolution thanks to the Invisalign procedure. Teenagers can now get an invisible solution with Invisalign, but just like with braces or any other dental work, the product needs to be well-maintained to work properly.

Can I Play Water Sports While Wearing Braces Or Invisalign?

No matter if you enjoy playing a casual game of pool volleyball or water polo on a regular basis, orthodontic treatment won’t prevent you from enjoying your favorite summer activities. However, if you participate in any activities that could cause a blow to the face, such as water sports, you should wear a mouthguard. According to research published in Claims Journal, up to 39% of dental injuries occur while playing sports.

If you have braces, your appliance may become damaged or even cut the inside of your mouth if you are struck in the mouth. Dental injuries such as chipped, broken, or knocked-out teeth are also possible. Wearing a mouthguard will shield your braces from damage, protect your teeth from injury, and serve as a barrier between your hardware and your mouth’s soft tissues.

Despite the fact that Invisalign does not have brackets and wires and won’t result in lacerations if you suffer an injury like braces can, you must still wear a mouthguard. Your smile is an investment, so it needs to be protected.

What Should I Do if I Lose My Aligner While Swimming?

If you do lose your aligner while swimming, it may have fallen out of your mouth due to tongue play. Keep your aligners on for 22 hours each day and avoid touching them while they are covering your teeth.

There are several options available to you if you lose an aligner. Wear your most recent aligners until you receive your new ones; always keep your old ones on hand as a backup. You could move on to the following set of aligners if they are too tight.

If that isn’t an option, you can still come in for a consultation and get fitted for the aligners you misplaced. It’s better to avoid losing them in the first place because it will cost a little bit more!

Do I Still Have To Wear Braces To Swim?

Of course, it is a myth that an appliance can rust. A rust-resistant titanium alloy is used to make braces. After all, they are intended to be in your mouth, constantly being surrounded by saliva. The same applies to swimming with braces since they are routinely bathed in spit without a problem. Indeed, chemicals are present in pools, but they won’t harm your computer’s hardware.

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Can I Swim With Invisalign Aligners In My Mouth?

Yes, you can swim with Invisalign on. For the ideal fit, I create your Invisalign aligners using a 3D model of your mouth. They won’t fall out in a pool or the ocean because the aligners are secure and individually molded to fit your teeth. Additionally, your appliance won’t be harmed by pool chlorine.

Take out your aligners before swimming if you’d prefer not to wear them while you’re in the water. For the best Invisalign results, keep in mind that you should wear your aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day. Therefore, it is advised to wear those aligners while swimming if you spend the entire day in the pool during the summer or if you are a competitive swimmer who practices for hours.

Things You Should Not Do During Invisalign Treatment

Don’t scratch them

By taking good care of your aligners, you can prolong their lifespan throughout your treatment. Be careful handling the aligners because they can be damaged or broken if you take them out too quickly.

Don’t rush the treatment

For the procedure to be effective, the teeth must move consistently slowly and gently. Rushing the procedure can result in tooth resorption, which weakens the teeth over time and increases the likelihood that they will fall out.

Don’t get them dirty

When wearing Invisalign aligners, it’s crucial to only consume water. Your aligners may become stained by any food that is dark or highly pigmented and become visible as a result of residue. Following a meal, try your best to thoroughly brush and floss to prevent discoloring the aligners.

Don’t play with it

The first few days of an Invisalign treatment are the hardest as you adjust to the aligners, but after a few days, most people hardly even notice they are wearing them. During that
first period, it is important to leave the aligners alone. Avoid examining the edges of the aligners with your tongue or it may get scratched or sore.Invisalign case

Don’t leave them in

Spend a few seconds putting the aligners back in their container and removing them safely before each meal. Eating while wearing aligners could cause them to scratch or break, which would prolong treatment and increase costs. Once more, to prevent stains, only drink water while wearing the aligners.

Don’t forget to brush

Brush and floss after every meal as often as you can to keep your teeth and your aligners clean and free of bacteria that can lead to bad breath. Rinsing your mouth with warm water or chewing sugarless gum are both acceptable alternatives if you are not in a setting where you can brush and floss.